Minutes of Executive Committee Conference Call

November 21, 2011

(Updated on January 5, 2012)



Present by Telephone:  Ruth Ellen Stone, chair, Bishop Julius Trimble, Bill Pyatt, Maria Wiblin, Rick VanGeisen, John Boley


Ruth Ellen called the meeting to order at 10:00 am, Central Time, after everyone was connected.


Bishop Trimble opened in prayer.


  1. Minutes.  The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on September 23, 2011 were approved.


  1.  Notification of Budget.  Ruth Ellen led a discussion on whether and how to inform our NCJ agencies of the decisions of the Mission Council with respect to their budget requests.  After much discussion Bill P moved, seconded, that we make the budget available to all with the printing of the Advance Journal for Jurisdictional Conference and that all information will be released at the same time.  Approved unanimously.


  1. Proposed Financial Policies.  Ruth Ellen will write a letter sending out the proposed Financial Policies as they were adopted at our Mission Council meeting in September.


In addition to sending out the Financial Policies, the letter will inform agencies that there will not be substantial changes to where they have been in the past.


  1. Web Site.  John reported that Jim Searls needs about $300 to upgrade our web site.  Motion by Bill, seconded, that we approve up to $500 for our web site upgrade.  Unanimously approved.  John will communicate this to Jim Searls and ask for a report when it is completed.


  1. Location of Fall 2012 Meeting.  Ruth Ellen led a discussion of the pros and cons of the last meeting site.  Rick suggested Springfield as a possible site.  Bishop Trimble suggested Des Moines as a possible site.   They will get information to Maria, and we will make a decision later.  The meeting will be held on September 21-22, 2012.


  1. Technology Grants to Minnesota/Dakotas.
    1. Meeting with College of Bishops.  Bishop Trimble reported that the best day for the Executive Committee to meet with the College of Bishops would be Thursday, January 26th.  The College of Bishops will be meeting at the Crown Plaza O’Hare.
    2. The executive committee will attend.   Maria will make reservations as needed.
    3. Discussion re Funding Request:  Much discussion about the request from Minnesota/Dakotas.  We reviewed the motion adopted in September to be supportive of their request.  Concern was expressed over whether anything has changed since the request was submitted from a technology standpoint.  Concern was expressed over the overall financing of this project.


No decision was made, however, Ruth Ellen and Rick will followup with the Treasurers of Minnesota and the Dakotas to 1) determine if the technology is the right technology for what they need, and 2) to have a frank discussion about other financing possibilities.


We will make decisions after these further conversations.


  1. Membership in Mission Council.  Maria expressed concern over non-participation of NCJ Mission Council members.  It was generally agreed that with the NCJ nominating process, many members are placed on the Mission Council without knowledge of what the Council does or that they are even placed as a member.


Bishop Trimble will place this as an agenda item for the College of Bishops: 1) Their discussion of the nominating process; and 2) A possible process of replacement of inactive members between sessions of the Jurisdictional Conference.


  1. West Ohio.  Rick reported that just after our meeting in September, West Ohio sent in a large check to catch up on their payment of apportionments.


  1. Prayer.  Bill Pyatt closed in prayer.



Respectfully submitted,


John Boley, secretary