by jrs | Dec 9, 2019 | Mission Council Minutes
Zoom Conference Call MINUTES Attendance: Ryan Russell, Jim Searls, Curtis Brown, Lonnie Chafin, Laura Witkowski, and Paul White. Gail Burgess was excused. Chairperson, Ryan Russell, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. Central / 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Follow-Up...
by jrs | Nov 18, 2019 | Mission Council Minutes
Present: Ryan Russell, Paul White, Curtis Brown, Benton Heisler, Dominic Mejia, Lonnie Chafin, Jim Searls, Chris Winkler, Matt Sipe, Nitza Dovenspike, Gail Burgess, Laura Witkowski, Tyler Sit via Skype at 2:3, Doug Damron. Ryan called us to order at 1:10 pm. Opening...
by jrs | Oct 9, 2019 | Mission Council Minutes, NCJ Mission Council News
Minutes Present: Ryan Russell, Jim Searls, Paul White, Gail Burgess, Lonnie Chaffin, Laura Witkowski. Ryan opened the meeting with a prayer. Update on Plans for NCJ Delegation event on Nov. 8-9 There are 140 registered for the event; of these 50 are alternates. The...
by jrs | Apr 4, 2019 | Mission Council Minutes
Chairman Ryan Russell called us to order at noon and opened the meeting with prayer. Members present were Lonnie Chaffin, Laura Witkowski, Paul White, Jim Searls, Steve Court and Gail Burgess. Finances- Lonnie noted that we did not receive 100% from all the...
by jrs | Feb 3, 2019 | Mission Council Minutes
Attendance: Ryan Russell, Lonnie Chafin, Jim Searls, and Paul White. Call to Order: Ryan called the Zoom Conference Call meeting to order at 12:04 p.m. CST by offering an opening prayer. Financial Items: Lonnie reported he had a request from the Korean Mission to...
by jrs | Jul 6, 2018 | Mission Council Minutes
Present: Ryan Russell, James Searls, Paul White, Lonnie Chaffin, Steve Court, Laura Witkowski, Gail Burgess. Bishop Julius Trimble joined us following another meeting. Ryan Russell called the meeting to order at 1 pm CDT and we opened with a prayer. Laura Witkowski...