North Central Jurisdiction

Jurisdictional Mission Council

Minutes of Executive Committee Conference Call

December 10, 2015

Present by Conference Call at 10:00 am (CT): Bill Pyatt, Chair; Jodi Cataldo, Vice Chair; Rick VanGiesen, Treasurer; Paul White, NCJ Secretary; Bishop Trimble; Bishop Hopkins; John Boley, Mission Council Secretary; Jim Searls, Mission Council Communicator and Webmaster.

Purpose: Paul describe the purpose of the conference call as being the need to coordinate calendars between the College of Bishops, the Directors of Connectional Ministry and the Mission Council especially as we will be having four new Bishops elected this summer at Jurisdictional Conference. He requested that Bishop Hopkins participate in the discussion with the Executive Committee. All agreed.

Calendar Discussion: Bishop Hopkins led a discussion of coordinating calendars for the entire quadrennium – reiterating the need to coordinate based on: 1) Four new Bishops and corresponding training events for them; 2) a more active role of the DCM’s in the ministry of the Mission Council and Jurisdiction; 3) the new funding proposal coming from the Mission Council to Jurisdictional Conference moving from legacy funding to grant funding; 4) the probable need to meet with others such as ethnic ministries, youth leaders and lay leaders for mission alignment during the quadrennium.

Further discussions: Rick said that we added $20,000 into the budget to cover the expenses of additional meetings. Bill, Jodi and John all discussed the need for greater coordination and involvement of the different groups and voiced support for additional training and coordination. Jim will be happy to do whatever web-site work is needed.


  • The Mission Council Executive Committee will join with the DCM’s and meet annually with the College of Bishops. This may also be coordinated with the Jurisdictional Episcopacy Committee.
  • There will be a training event at the beginning of the quadrennium (January 2017) and then at the end of the quadrennium for funding information and mission alignment.
  • There will need to be a task force appointed by approx. April of 2016 to plan the event for January 2017.

NCJ Treasurer: Bishop Hopkins mentioned that Rick will be rotating off as NCJ Treasurer but there was a question about how to compensate the next Treasurer. It is not clear in the Bylaws. Consensus that there needs to be action at the Jurisdictional Conference to clarify compensation and expenses for the NCJ Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Committee will review this and present what is needed to the Jurisdictional Conference.

Action: Bill said that he and Rick will look at policies and bylaws and get back with the Executive Committee. Also, Bill will appoint a committee to begin working on the January 2017 training event.


Respectfully Submitted,

John Boley, Secretary