Minutes of Telephone Meeting of Executive Committee

April 16, 2013

Present:  Bill Pyatt, Chair, Jodi Cataldo, Bishop Julius Trimble, Rose Booker-Jones, Cynthia Williams, Paul White, John Boley.

Jodi called the meeting to order at 3:30 Central Time.

Bill opened in prayer.

Funded Agency Report:  Jodi led a discussion on the 2013 Funded Agency Report.  It was a consensus that the form should focus on the General Conference Four Areas of Focus.

Rose reviewed the form, suggesting:

            The format from the Funded Agency Report of 2011 was retained.  Questions 1-7 remain.  Question # 6 will be changed – “to eliminate” will be replaced by “in ministry with the poor. The liaison question remains.

            The financial policy questions are separated.   Discussion.  Question 2 of the Financial Policies questions will be removed and inserted in a couple of years when the evaluation form will go out again in 2015 for a second round which will include the budget requests for the upcoming quadrennium.

Web Site:  This Report form will be available on the web site.  John and Jim Searls will work together so that the form can be downloaded and uploaded.  The financial policies will be attached so that they can be downloaded together.

Meetings:  At this point it appears that we will not need to meet with the Council of Bishops in September.  It was decided that we will meet in 2013, probably in Springfield, on September 27 – 28.  This will mesh with the Leadership Institute at Church of the Resurrection.

            We will probably not meet in 2014.  We will then meet again in 2015 when we go through the budget building process.

Followup:  Jodi will send out a revised Report form by email.  Bill and John will work on a cover letter and send out the Report form in June, with the link to the website.  The forms will be due August 15th in preparation for distribution for the September meeting.  It was suggested that the liaisons be alerted to this and work with their agencies to complete the Report.

Future Agenda Item:  Discussion about the best use of Jurisdictional funding in relation to the conversation around the possible change in structure of the jurisdiction and the impact on supported agencies.

Bishop Trimble closed in prayer at 4:08 Central Time.

Respectfully submitted,

John Boley, Secretary