North Central Jurisdiction

Jurisdictional Mission Council

Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting

July 16, 2016 (At Jurisdictional Conference)

Present: Bill Pyatt, chair; Jodi Cataldo, vice-chair; Bishop Julius Trimble; Rick VanGiesen, Treasurer; Paul White, NCJ Secretary; Jim Searls, NCJ Coordinator of Communications; Lonnie Chafin, incoming Treasurer (1/1/17); John Boley, Mission Council Secretary.

Jodi called the meeting to order.

Fall Meeting: Jodi led a discussion about the dates and times of the fall meeting of the Mission Council. We decided on Monday, September 26th through Wednesday, September 28th. Exact times to begin and end will be determined, but we will probably begin with an Executive Committee meeting in the early afternoon of the 26th and be finished by late morning on the 28th. We decided that we will meet in Springfield, Illinois. Paul White will be sending out an email soon to newly elected members. Outgoing members of the Executive Committee will attend the meeting at least until new officers are elected.

Content and Format: It was discussed that there will be a huge turnaround of members with the new nominating procedures. Also, the Mission Council will be taking on additional responsibilities due to the elimination of other Jurisdictional committees. There will need to be significant training of the new grant funding procedures and Jurisdictional responsibilities and the outgoing members who will be in attendance will need to be available to convey past practices and procedures as context for new responsibilities.

Grant Application Forms: Jerry DeVine, DCM of the Detroit Conference, is working on the new grant application forms. We will review them by email prior to the September meeting and have draft forms available for the meeting. Time is of the essence as different groups will need to submit applications asap. We discussed that there are new groups that are inquiring about grant possibilities and existing funded groups showing concern about getting equivalent levels as in the past.

Nominating Committee: The outgoing Executive Committee will serve as a nominating committee for the new quadrennium. We will need a new Vice-Chair/Chair elect, Secretary, and name the Coordinator of Communications. Benton Heisler and Jim Bushfield will be DCM reps to the Mission Council with Jim serving on the Executive Committee.

Honoraria: Rick proposed an honorarium for Nancy Patton of $2,000. Approved. Rick proposed an honorarium for Paul White of $3,000. Approved.

Addendum: On Monday, 07/18/16, John proposed by email a $2,000 honorarium for Jim Searls. Email vote. Approved.

Respectfully Submitted,     John W. Boley, Secretary