Present: Jim, Ryan, Laura, Paul, Lonnie, Curtis, Gail.
The note email for the groups that received funds through NCJ asking how things are going and how they may be doing things differently has not been sent yet. Lonnie will write something today and Ryan will send it out. We did receive three Progress Reports (Hispanic Caucus, Hispanic Ministries, Native American Course of Study) but they do not address changes they have had to make due to COVID-19.
The deadline for 2021 applications is in September. We will review them at the October 8 Mission Council meeting. The application is up on the website. Jim will also send notices to Conference communicators and DCM’s.
Some conferences are holding Listening Sessions regarding possible changes in conference alignments. This could be a topic we want to address when we hold a delegate gathering.
Some conferences have already held virtual Annual Conference this summer and they have gone well. We may want to consider holding a virtual Jurisdictional Conference in the future.
Our next executive team meeting will be on Thursday, September 3 at 10 CST. We will prepare a survey to send out to delegates to determine the questions they want to discuss in a pre-conference jurisdictional gathering. We can also discuss the results of the emails we are sending out to Grant Recipients and any other updates.
October meetings include: Thursday, October 1 at noon CST – Executive Team
Thursday, October 8 at noon CST – Mission Council
Minutes of the July 22, 2020 meeting were approved, 7/0.
Meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm
G Burgess, Sec.