Present: Ryan, Jim, Laura, Paul, Gail, Lonnie and Steve
- Concept review: Laura noted that we had received six concept applications.
NCJ VIM not recommended for grant application. Funding of ongoing trainings, nothing new. BUT no other location for funding; conversation has begun between all jurisdictional UMVIM coordinators to have just one UMVIM instead of jurisdictional. Will be meeting in August. Last year requested $20,000, have underspent in past years. Exec committee recommend offering them an application at this time. Paul will keep apprised of what is happening in future. Final decision to be made in November.
Native American COS – Recommend offering opportunity to fill out application. Need to look at other ways to look at and fund course of study (Native American and Hispanic).
Water Solutions Summit – Recommend offering opportunity to fill out application…. Is it truly jurisdictional? Different conferences relate to different locations.
NCJ Center for Hispanic Ministries – Recommend offering opportunity to fill out application. Work closely with those who want to take COS; perhaps they could work more closely with Board of Higher Education? Nitza will follow up with them. Will ask for actual numbers on classes offered, persons participating.
NCJ Hispanic Caucus – Recommend offering opportunity to fill out application. Concerned that outcomes don’t match up to challenges. It is an important ministry, but need to list specific outcomes that relate to challenges. Need more clarity.
Disaster Recovery Academy – Do not recommend offering opportunity to fill out application. Is it really jurisdictional? Would UMCOR help with expense? Could they work with NCJ-UMVIM? UMCOR does not send trainers to NCJ gatherings—because we “have it all together”. NCJ VIM Mission Summit coming up this fall. Disaster Response folks are invited.
Laura will notify these applicants. Jim will have 2020 applications available and corrected.
- Dates for 2019-2020
July 15, Noon CST– Call with a representative to General Conference from each conference. Paul, Lonnie, Jim and Ryan will be on the call with the 10 reps. They will be invited them to do the planning. Lonnie will set it up; Paul will send him the names and emails of each conference rep. Note: No mic time for episcopal candidates.
Applications are due September 30. (Changed from August 16)
Executive Committee Conference Call, Monday, October 7, Noon CST – Include someone from Host Committee. Jim will set up ZOOM. Discuss November Gathering, applications, 2020 budget.
Mission Council – Chicago- November 6-9 Executive Committee on 6th; full council on 7th noon to noon on 8th. Event: 1 pm November 8 to noon on November 9
- Delegation event in Nov. 2019: 1 pm on November 8 through noon on Saturday, November 9.
Location: TBD. (Barrington, Park Ridge?) We will pay for dinner on 7th and transportation for delegates. $30,000 has been budgeted for the event. (NOTE: Bishop’s Anti-Racism Event still has not happened; would increase money available.) Lonnie will work on location. Mission Council members could/should stay through noon on Saturday even if not delegates in 2020.
- Review task groups for mission council: Review what we continue to fund, what is new? Program versus administrative grants. …… Paul noted that there are traditional programs that may always need funding, but we also want to encourage new programs. Perhaps the traditional programs would not need to always prepare a concept application. Matthew Sipe, John Lawson and Lonnie were on the committee to look at the 2020-2024 budget; Lonnie will contact the others. We hope recommendations can be available by November.
An exec committee member questioned the way we build the budget. Perhaps we can return to some of what we did previously. We may not need the application form. We have until February to make some decisions on what we would bring to NCJ in 2020.
We also had agreed to do a self-evaluation. Connectors could be asked to submit a report.
Mission and Vision will also be discussed at the November Council meeting. Read pages 87-88 in Conference Journal and think about what we are not doing and could be done better. This will need to be discussed in Oct 2019. (Go to website and look for link at the bottom.)
- Adjournment at 11:30. Ryan closed the meeting with a prayer.