North Central Jurisdiction
Jurisdictional Mission Council
Minutes of Meeting of Executive Committee
(Prior to Jurisdictional Conference in Akron, OH)
July 18, 2012
Present: Ruth Ellen Stone, Chair; Bill Pyatt, Rick Van Giesen, Bishop Julius Trimble, John Boley
Prayer: Bishop Trimble opened with prayer.
Minutes: Ruth Ellen asked if there were any questions about the minutes of the meeting of January 26th or the telephone conferences of the November 21st and January 5th. There were none and the minutes of these meetings stand approved.
Reports to Jurisdictional Conference: Rick reported that he is prepared to give the Treasurer’s report. There is only one small correction that needs to be made. An earlier draft of the budget had been sent out with the pre-conference reports. The real budget includes an additional $5000 requested by the Dakotas. The correct number is $1,117,000. Rick will explain all of it in his report.
Financial Status: Rick reported that all of the conferences except the Dakotas are on track in paying their apportionments. The Dakotas is a small amount and is not a concern. Rick reported that most of the agencies have received 100 % of their payouts. Right now we have $360,000 in the bank. A financial report will be handed out at conference.
Youth Convocation: There is much concern over the cancellation of the Youth Convocation – the procedures by which the planning occurred and the financial exposure. Rick reported that the convocation needed 200 registrations to break even. Contracts had been signed by Casey to reserve rooms at the Ramada.
Rick reported that the Division on Youth Ministries had about $5000 in their budget and that he has paid out about $33,000 in costs. Ramada cut only $2500 in catering costs.
Discussion of the lack of supervision and some of the reasons for it.
Motion by Bill, seconded by John: That we receive Rick’s verbal report on the events surrounding the cancellation of the Youth Convocation and that Rick bring a Financial Policies Manual for review and approval to the September meeting. Approved.
Financial Policies: Rick will present the previously approved financial policies to the conference and seek conference approval.
VIM Status: Ruth Ellen reported that VIM has received advice from the IRS that it does not need separate 501(c) (3) status because it is under the umbrella of the Jurisdictional Mission Council. The problem is that it is not really a part of us – it has its own Board its own financial system.
Expenses for Bill P and Jim S. Rick will pay Bill and Jim’s expenses on the same basis as if they were delegates.
Nominations: Bishop Trimble reported that he thought the nominating process was excellent. Bishop Ott read (probably twice) Ruth Ellen’s letter to him about the importance of the nominating process for the Mission Council. The nominating committee therefore took it very seriously. With significantly fewer people to nominate to General Boards and Agencies, perhaps the pool and response will be better. Bill P and John B were both continued for another 4 years. Ruth Ellen’s letter was very helpful.
Rick left to go do registrations duties.
1) The report from Minnesota/Dakotas will come on Thursday at 10:15.
2) BMCR will lead a discussion of the purpose of Jurisdictional Conference. All think this will be a helpful discussion.
Looking forward to the future:
1) Contacting members: We will contact all existing and new members of the Mission Council with information about the meeting in September. Ruth Ellen and Bill will call them. John will email and snail mail them.
Reuben Job Center: Enter Bob Duffett and Doug Anderson: Bob lead a discussion about the two significant changes occurring with the Reuben Job Center:
1) Bishop Job desires to remove his name from the center so he can reestablish a similar relationship with Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary.
2) Doug Anderson will retire on June 30, 2012.
Bob explained the vision of the Advisory Board to create a new affiliation with Dakota Wesleyan University. A new staff person will be funded 2/3 from Dakota Wesleyan and 1/3 from the Mission Council. Discussion of the challenges of going forward with these two major changes. The Executive Committee is open to this new configuration, is not changing the funding for the next quadrennium, and will monitor how this evolves.
Bill P closed in prayer. Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, John Boley, secretary