Important Conversations
Rev. Dr. Jerry Devine
The Rev. Dr. Jerome Devine opened the discussion by introducing historic idea of what race relations have been in the church through history.
Bishop Hope Morgan Ward
Bishop Morgan Ward reminds us that the ministry of anti-racism centers on discipleship.
She noted that the Council of Bishops has appreciated the work of Brian Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, Alabama, and chief creator of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. He urges four pillars for anti-racism efforts:
- Hear and share true stories; in particular, give space to and honor stories of people of color.
- Get “proximate” to the suffering and pain of racism and inequality.
- Expect resistance.
- Protect your hopefulness.
Truth Telling
Speaking the truth to the powerful and prividledged can be a dramatic experience. Several speakers tell their stories. Listen to their stories and see where you might agree.
Bishop Tracey Smith-Malone
Bishop Smith-Malone introduces the second session of the delegate conversations around Dismantling Racism. She reminded the delgates that race matters every day and that our narratives are important.
Listen to her remarks by Clicking Here
Episcopal Leadership
Bishops: From 9 to 8
The Rev. Sara Isbell, Illionis Great Rivers Conference and Chair of the NCJ Committee on Episcopacy introduces the discussion of the episcopacy in the jurisdiction. Rev. Isbell is joined by Bishop David Bard as they explain how and membership numbers effect the decision around the number of bishops.
Listen to thier presentation by Clicking Here
Motion To Reduce Number of Bishops
The motion by Rev. Sara Isbell from the NCJ Episcopacy Committee reads as follows:
The Future of The UMC
Bishop Laurie Haller
Bishop Haller wonders if God has garbage cans in heaven, but she reminds us to do as Jesus says “Gather up the fragments left over so that nothings may be lost.” We are sent out to gather the fragements to build Beloved Community.
Listen to the rest of her message by Clicking Here
Visioning Process
Connectional Table Visioning Presentation featuring Michelle Hettmann. She explains how the Connectional Table is helping to envision the future of The United Methodist Church.
Covenant Writing Process Explained
The Coveneant Writing Process took place over several days prior to the Jurisdictional Conference. The process continued during the conference.
The process is explained by Bishop Haller. Click Here to listen to the explanation.
Top Five Things to Accomplish
Delegates responded to the question asking what the top five things the NCJ should accomplish in the next 2-5 years.
- Anti-racism
- Be more inclusive
- Develop regional governance structures
- Strengthen the connection
- Episcopal elections
The chart represents the list of all the considered accomplishments: (Click on Chart to Enlarge)