Present: Ryan Russell, Jim Searls, Paul White, Gail Burgess, Lonnie Chaffin, Laura Witkowski.
Ryan opened the meeting with a prayer.
Update on Plans for NCJ Delegation event on Nov. 8-9
There are 140 registered for the event; of these 50 are alternates. The group will meet at First Korean UMC in Wheeling whose UMW will provide the meal. IT is set up. General agencies have all been contacted. Registrations will close on October 11.
The schedule includes the following:
Friday, 1 pm – Worship
Get-Acquainted Activity
Jurisdictional Study Committee – (Reduction of Conferences, etc)
Connectional Table with GCFA (Budget, etc)
Book of Discipline
Conversation: What the church might look like in the future – jurisdictional, etc
(Non-delegate Mission Council folks may be asked to facilitate discussion.)
DINNER: It would be difficult to facilitate folks from each committee sitting
together. Committee could be listed on name tags.
Conversation continues
Saturday: Orientation to Jurisdictional Conference
Episcopacy Committee
-Possible Document to unofficially adopt?
Closing Worship and Communion
NOTE: More double rooms have become available. We need to develop a policy on housing for minor delegates.
Changes to the way we do programs funding- we need a new system less involved for the council
Our best plan would combine the old (pre-2012) and new (2012-2016) way of doing things. Course of Study, VIM and others would be considered ongoing ministries. As in the past, some grants could be given for four years; they would still need to be reviewed annually. Other money could be set aside for new, innovative ideas. We need accountability, but the way we have done it these past four years has created extra work. Groups would to be accountable to Mission Council. Four year grants to ongoing ministries, with interim reports, as well as funds available for new possibilities, submitting concept plans/grant proposals, would meet our goal. We need to be sure groups are doing as they say they will. Those applying for a four-year grant would need to have a plan as to how the money would be spent over the four years (eg: $20,000, then $5,000, $5,000, $5,000, $5,000 or $15,000 – – $5,000).
Grant Application and Approval for quadrennium will occur AFTER Jurisdictional Conference has approved budget. A flat amount was approved in 2016; we wouldn’t need to supply line amounts before the meeting in July 2020.
WE need to plan on what things will look like as we build the budget, but we, Mission Council, will make the choices, not the Jurisdictional Conference. Lonnie will attempt to provide past budget amounts for the meeting in November.
Mission and Vision
We need to be sure the Journal reflects what we actually are doing and how. What will we do after 2020 GC? Who makes these decisions? Note: We have not utilized a Committee on Conferences in the past. Episcopal lines are spelled out by the Episcopacy Committee and Bishops. Conferences have merged on their own, asking for jurisdictional approval.
Changes to the Journal are due in April – for as much as possible—and June 25 for information on episcopal candidates. We would have much available already by April; 2020 GC decisions would more likely impact 2024.
Review of Current Mission/Vision: Do we actually think we are providing spiritual leadership? (This is mentioned twice.) Do we need to change this language?
Regarding section A that defines our tasks…1- DO we support the vision and mission?? 2 – NO, we don’t test the structures. 3-YES. THIS IS what we do! 4- Yes 5- Yes 6- We don’t have investments, and not much of a savings account. (This could be removed.) 7 – We will do this at November meeting.
Task Groups at November meeting could look at the following: 1- Budget, 2-Plan of Organization and Rules of Order, 3- Mission and Vision. Jurisdictional Conference Report will be worked on by Ryan with Executive Committee offering suggestions. Sixteen people (of 25) are signed up for November. This would mean three groups of 5 to work on this in November. We can have a google doc for Mission and Vision change suggestions.
Set per diem for Jurisdictional Conference. This includes mileage, hotel and meals. Lonnie will set this with information available by November. He needs to get Indiana’s budget first.
November Agenda will include a list of the three groups. We are meeting on the first floor of the Hilton. We will need to head over to the church after lunch on Friday. NOTE: Jim will send out a reminder to Mission Council members who have not registered. If they are not attending, they need to let Ryan know. Executive Team meets at 2 pm Wednesday. (Dinner off site in evening.) Exec team will also meet Thursday morning. Lunch for everyone on Thursday.
Grant Decisions will be made in November by the whole council.
Ryan closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting adjourned at 1:01 CST.
Gail Burgess, Secretary