Present: Gail Burgess, Jim Bushfield, Jodi Cataldo, Lonnie Chafin, Steve Court, Ryan Russell, Jim Searls, Bishop Trimble, Paul White
Jodi opened the meeting at 10 am CST and invited those present to share places where they had seen God’s presence this week. Jim Bushfield noted that this is his last meeting with us, he will soon be District Superintendent and believes that to be God working among us! Gail noted that she had seen evidence of God’s good works when she visited a local school. Jim Searls shared that he saw a legislator thanking teachers for their work. Steve Court has seen God as the conference works through transitions. Jodi was with family and saw God through the eyes of her youngest grandson. Ryan visited Washington (home) last week and felt God’s presence there. …
Prayer was led by Lonnie Chafin.
Review of Process: Jim Searls said the process turned out to be fairly easy. Fifteen persons responded to the rubric. It could be revised and perhaps streamlined. Can we create a training video for folks applying? We would need to understand what those completing the application need to know.
The connectors will need to help each group in setting goals, etc. It is also critical to tell the impact the funding is having.
We need to ask for specific budget information in future years. Lonnie said he would provide a sample budget to be included.
The grouping of the Native American requests was somewhat confusing.
Congregational Developers: Jodi read through the comments that were given. Many were positive. Average: 3.3. We agreed to move forward with this. Connector: Alex Plum
NCJ CORR: Comments suggested cooperation with other areas. They did not complete the goals section. Average: 2.9. We agreed to move forward; this is a group we have funded in the past. Connector: Rose Booker-Jones
Hispanic Caucus: Not necessarily out of the box, but necessary. Suggesting some partnerships. (Connector could help with this.) Average: 2.4. In favor of moving forward. Connector: Nitza Dovenspike
Hispanic Ministries: Not out of the box, but valuable. Lacking specificity. Need to know results of past workshops and what impact they have had. Average: 2.6. In favor of moving forward. Connector: Gail Burgess
NCJ Korean Mission: Not innovative or out-of-the box. Most funds to local churches and worship locations (referred to as “campuses”). Average: 3.1. Connector would need to help them think beyond local congregations. Will move forward. Connector: Young-Mee Park
Native American Course of Study: Mostly positive comments, compelling, needed, not out-of-the-box but is compelling. Questions about amount being requested (1 year, 2 years, etc) $113,400 is request. Average: 3. Possibly could use scholarship funds available elsewhere. Is effective and important ministry.
Will move forward. Connector: Jodi Cataldo
North East Region Native American (Peg-Leg Youth Leadership): Important. Average: 2.9. Do they receive funding from North East? Agreed to move forward. Connector: Gifty Smith
CONAM: Focus on water is relevant. Summit would bring awareness. One-time event? Follow up? Average: 3.0. Moving forward. Connector: Ryan Russell
NCJ VIM: Articulate. Energizing. Specific plan. Many partnerships. Average: 3.4. This supports the transformation of the world. (They knew how to write a grant proposal.) Move forward. Connector: Paul White
Young People: Innovative, well-articulated. Future of the church. Average: 3.2
Moving Forward. Connector: Ryan Russell
GRANTS: Available $500,000 over four year quadrennium
(Total Requested: $277,312)
Questions: Are we going to set $125,000 as the limit for one year? Could a small group meet? Are all these requests for just one year, or are some for two years or four years?
Jim Bushfield moved that we approve all requests for one year, with Jodi, Jim S., Ryan and Lonnie to determine the one year amounts. (Those that are for two or four year amounts would receive for one year.) Gail seconded. Motion withdrawn.
Jim Bushfield then moved that a small group meet and make recommendations that would be sent to all members for approval. Gail seconded and the motion carried. Jodi will be in touch with those making up the small group.
January Meeting with College of Bishops: O’Hare Hilton Garden Inn
Wednesday, January 25 – Dinner in the evening (arranged by Lonnie)
Thursday, January 26 – Meet with Bishops between 8:30 and noon
Travel expenses paid by NCJ (Treasurer-Lonnie Chafin)
Bishop Trimble noted that as part of the conversation with the College of Bishops, it will be important to talk about the importance of the connector relationships and the raising of the bar for funding to produce greater impact. Evaluations are necessary for determining impact and the connectors will be critical in the process.
Jim Searls will work on possible improvements to the process and have something for review in January. Those with suggestions for revisions should send them to him.
Meeting concluded at 11:55 am CST.
Gail Burgess