Minutes of Telephone Conference of January 29, 2013



Present by Telephone:  Jodi Cataldo (convenor) Bill Pyatt, Paul White, Rose Booker-Jones, Bishop Julius Trimble, Rick VanGiesen, John Boley

Call to Order and Prayer:  Jodi called the meeting to order at 2:02 Central Time.  John Boley led in prayer.

Purpose:  Jodi laid out the purpose of the telephone conference – to work on updating the annual reporting forms for NCJ agencies.

Discussion and Action:  Discussion of some of the past practices surrounding the report forms and the timing of their submission to the Mission Council.  Based on further discussion, the following actions were agreed upon:

  1. Rose Booker-Jones will do a draft of a new report form, submitting it to the Executive Committee by April 15, 2013.
  2. In the questions being asked, it is generally good to include the Four Areas of Focus of the UMC and criterion related to Vital Church Initiative; but the questions could be revised to request more specificity.
  3. Questions related to the Financial Policies adopted by the Mission Council and the Jurisdictional Conference could be included in the reporting.
  4. Rose is free to revise and improve the form or forms to be used.
  5. John and Jim Searls will work to have all reporting from agencies available online through our NCJ website.

We will have another telephone conference call after 3:30 pm Central Time on April 16, 2013.

Respectfully submitted:

Rev. John W. Boley, Secretary

