Minutes of Executive Committee

Telephone Conference of  January 5, 2012



Present by Telephone:  Ruth Ellen Stone, Chair, Bishop Julius Trimble, Bill Pyatt, Rick VanGiesen, Maria Wiblin, John Boley.  Ruth Ellen called the meeting to order at 1:00 CST after everyone was connected.


  1. Prayer.  Bill began the meeting with prayer.


  1. Minutes:  The minutes of the telephone conference of November 21, 2012 were reviewed.  Ruth Ellen had the following changes:


  1. On page 2, Item 6 b, it should be changed to read:  The Executive Committee will attend.
  2. The 2nd paragraph in item 2 belongs with item 3.


Motion by Bill, 2nd by Bishop Trimble, unanimous approval of the minutes as amended.


  1. Technology Grant:  Ruth Ellen led a discussion on the submitted technology grant request of the Dakotas and Minnesota Conferences related to obtaining the communications technology for combining the conferences into one Area.  Rick reported that he and Ruth Ellen had a telephone conference with the Treasurers of the two Conferences who then decided that they would submit a revised proposal to the College of Bishops at their January 2012 meeting.  No one has heard any further from them.  We will wait to see what is presented in January.


  1. Meeting with College of Bishops:  Bishop Trimble reported that he has placed the Mission Council on the Agenda for 2 – 4 pm on Thursday, January 26th.  It will be at the Crown Plaza O’Hare in Rosemont.  There is a tight schedule for the College of Bishops meeting.  Items for the agenda during this time are: 1) the technology grant proposal; 2) the nominating process at Jurisdictional Conference for members of the Mission Council and how it can be improved; 3) other Jurisdictional Conference issues.


Bill, Rick and John said that they can make this a one-day trip.  Maria will not be present but can be present by phone.  Ruth Ellen will check on flights for herself and possible hotel reservations as well.


  1. Division on Ministry with Young People Convocation:  Ruth Ellen led a discussion about the proposal of the Division on Ministry with Young People for funding for a Convocation to be attached to Jurisdictional Conference in July.  Bill moved, John seconded for purposes of discussion, that we grant $5,000 – $6,000 to help fund the Convocation.


Some of the concerns are:

  1. Their lack of success in the past and whether they can really pull this off;
  2. The Division on Ministry with Young People has $7,800 in the budget that can be spent without additional approval;
  3. Publicity and registration logistics and whether this can be done well;
  4. Who will supervise.


There was further discussion of costs and the break even point for the event.  Rick reported that he has put Casey in touch with the Great Rivers Conference Communications Director to help with registration and publicity.


Suggestion that we get more information and talk about it on January 26thMotion by Maria, seconded by Bill to table this motion.   Unanimously approved.  We will meet at 1:00 pm on January 26th to consider this.  Bill and Ruth Ellen will followup with Casey to get more information and to ask him to be available by phone on the 26th.


  1. Location of September 2012 Meeting:  Discussion of where the meeting of September 21 and 22, 2012 will take place.  It was agreed that the meeting will take place in Springfield, Ill. at the Conference Offices (Cabinet Room) of the Great Rivers Conference.  Rick will have Nancy Patton, their events planner, work on the logistics, including a local hotel.


Bishop Trimble signed off.


  1. Other questions:


  1. Funding Policies:  Ruth Ellen questioned which version of the Funding Policies will be sent out.  John pointed us to Addendum B of the minutes of the meeting of September 23 and 24.  These are the updated policies as approved at that meeting.  John reported that he would get the letter out to the agencies within the next couple of weeks.


  1. Grant Policy Committee.  Bill will followup with the newly formed Grant Policy Committee, consisting of Bill, Anne Bunch, and Ouk-Yean Kim Jeung.


  1. Jurisdictional Conference Process.  Ruth Ellen led a discussion of the process for bringing information and motions to Jurisdictional Conference.  Maria reported that both the Chair and the Treasurer make a report to Jurisdictional Conference, and that motions could be presented then.  Any motions could/should go in the advance materials.  Maria will follow up with East Ohio on the process for making motions and other reports from the Mission Council.


  1. Meet at Jurisdictional Conference.  It was agreed that we should probably meet prior to Jurisdictional Conference to deal with anything transpiring.  All will be there anyway, except Bill, and it was agreed that we would cover Bill’s expenses.  We will plan to meet at 10:00 am on Wednesday, July 18th.


  1. Prayer.  John dismissed us with prayer.



Respectfully submitted,



John Boley, Secretary