North Central Jurisdiction

Jurisdictional Mission Council


Minutes of Meeting of September 25 and 26, 2015


Present: Bill Pyatt, Chair; Jodi Cataldo, Vice Chair; Rick Van Giesen, Treasurer; Bishop Julius Trimble, Harry Askin, Mark Dicken, Gail Burgess, Rose Booker-Jones, Rita Gaither-Gant; Matthew Sipe; Paul White, NCJ Secretary; John Boley, Mission Council Secretary; Jim Searls, Communicator; Jerry DeVine, DCM rep filling in for Benton Heisler.   Paul White informed us that member Jeanette Kraus passed away a couple of weeks ago.


Call to Order: Bill called the meeting to order and everyone checked in. Bill reviewed the agenda.


Devotions: Bill led a devotion from “Old Hermit’s Almanac: Daily Meditations for the Journey of Life” by Father Edward Hayes. It recited the history of wristwatches; styles change but spirituality is dynamic also. Bishop Trimble offered prayer.


Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of March 19-20, 2015 were approved.


Financial Reports: Rick presented the Budgeted Financial Statement and the Balance Sheet. Highlights:

  1. Receipts: The Conferences are faithful in their payment of apportionments. As of 8/31 we have received 92%, and by the end of the year we will be on track.
  2. Expenses: The agencies have spent about 44%
  3. Agency by Agency review:
  • Jurisdictional Conference expenses: Very little so far, but we will probably come in under budget
  • Mission Council is a little over, because we didn’t account for liability insurance, a needed audit, and the NCJ Task Force created in Akron
  • Episcopal Committee: will probably be over but they are doing important work
  • Korean Ministries: The chair is still bringing in more funding than they are spending – ahead by $15,663.
  • Native American Ministries: The grant from the West Ohio Conference has kept them from going way behind.
  • Transitional Assistance: The transition for Minnesota and the Dakotas is probably complete and they have only spent about 75%.
  • Religion and Race: some concern about upcoming bills and lower fees.
  • I-75 Project: $25,000 spent and we will get a report before disbursing the second $25,000.
  • NCJ Developers: We just hold funds for them.
  1. Summary: We have a budget of $869,225 and we have spent $384,690.69
  2. Balance Sheet: We have cash of $751,863.66. Accounts receivable are all unpaid apportionments. Total assets of $778,294.83
  3. Audit completed as of December 31, 2014. It will be posted on the website.
  4. Discussion of Surplus: Either reduce apportionments for the next quadrennium, or, do a rebate to the annual conferences.
  5. All reports were received as presented.


Draft Proposal – NCJ Program Funding: Jodi presented: Highlights:

  1. Jodi reviewed the Purpose, Rationale, Objectives, Background, Methodologies and Implications.
  2. Discussion about combining the three block grants into one for $500,000 and renaming the category.
  3. Can’t rely on the National Plans to fund ethnic ministries within the NCJ.
  4. The changes that we have discussed will be presented in a new draft tomorrow morning.


Recommendations from College of Bishops and DCM’s: (Sometimes called the Paul White Proposals). Paul presented. Highlights:

  1. These proposals came from the meeting of the Executive Committee and the College of Bishops and the volunteer work of Paul White.
  2. Pages 1 – 4 have been approved by the DCM’s and the College of Bishops. Discussion about how some of these can be implemented right away – Standing Committees would still be effective through this Jurisdictional Conference unless the rules are changed at the beginning of Conference. The Rules of Order Committee could change on-site committees prior to Jurisdictional Conference. Motion by Mark, seconded, that we endorse the Paul White Recommendations. Unanimous approval. The document in final form is attached as Exhibit A.
  3. Page 5: Mission Council operations. Gerry DeVine presented. Discussion:
  • Questions of annual conference ability to elect reps to the mission council
  • It is possible that diversity will suffer
  • This makes the mission council too large
  • We need to include the communications coordinator


Minnesota Proposal: Bill has received the request of the Minnesota Annual Conference, which is hosting the 2020 General Conference. The request is for $200,000 out of Mission Council reserves. Discussion: Should the Jurisdictional Conference decide? It is 5 years from now. Should we send the surplus back to AC’s then add this back in in apportionments? Motion by Harry, seconded by Gail that we include the $200,000 in the budget to be presented to the Jurisdictional Conference. Motion to amend by Rose, seconded by Rick that we drop it to $100,000.   More discussion. Amended motion withdrawn and seconded. Approval that the amount in the budget should be $200,000.


Continued Discussion of how these three things come together: Highlights:

  1. Bishop Trimble – we still need to communicate with the stakeholders on the funding proposal
  2. We need to change the language so that it is clear that up to $50,000 would be allocated toward jurisdictional ethnic ministries.
  3. Lump the $500,000 together and call it “Program, Grants and Emerging Ministries?”
  4. Motion by Paul, seconded by Mark, label it “Ethnic, Supportive and Emerging Ministries.” Unanimous approval.


Break for dinner and the evening.

Reconvene on Saturday, September, 26th


Devotions: Bill read from Bishop Trimble’s book “A Faithful Church and a Healthy World” from a selection called “Our God is Bigger Than That.” November 30, 2012 after a trip to Sierre Leone for the West Africa Central Conference. Bishop Trimble recited his experiences with electing a new Bishop for Nigeria, followed by the disaster related to Hurricane Sandy. Despite disasters and controversies, we live under a theological umbrella that includes an awesome God and unfailing Grace. We shared joys and concerns and Rose offered a prayer.


Return to discussion of Draft Proposal:

  1. Changes made yesterday reviewed.
  2. Motion by Rick, no second to leave to the discretion of the NCJ secretary on how to present this to jurisdictional conference. But Paul and Bill will determine how to present this to jurisdictional conference.
  3. Discussion of how to present to stakeholders.
  4. Discussion of how to work on the application process for the block grants.
  5. Motion by Mark, seconded by Rose that the document as amended be approved. Unanimous approval.
  6. Bill will send a letter to stakeholders.
  7. This will be presented to the delegations meeting in Chicago in October.
  8. The final draft as approved is attached as Exhibit B. Click Here to read the report


Further Discussion of Surplus: Current excess cash is $400,000. Rick suggested that we leave it in place going into the new quadrennium.


Further Discussion of Budget Recommendation as presented by Rick. Motion by Mark, seconded by Rose that the Budget Recommendation be approved. Approved. (Attached as Exhibit C). Click Here to read


Episcopal Matters: Bishop Trimble reported on the possible loss by the North Central Jurisdiction of one Bishop, possibly for 2016, possibly for 2020. The College of Bishops is looking at this. Stay tuned. It might affect the number of Bishops to be elected at Jurisdictional Conference.


I-75 Report. Jerry DeVine reported. The overall intent of the project is to determine whether there can be a new model for urban ministry. Three questions:

  1. Has the group been selected?
  2. What action has taken place?
  3. How have the 2016 goals been accomplished or changed?
  4. We received the report – attached as Exhibit D.
  5. Motion by Rose, second by Gail that the second $25,000 be released. Approved.

Read the entire report Click Here


Further Discussion of recommendations re Mission Council. Proposal by Jerry and Paul that we have one person elected from each AC, not 2, and have the Jurisdictional Nominating Committee appoint 7 at large positions. This will help with diversity. Also, go to 2 DCM’s rather than 3. Motion by Paul, seconded by Gail:

1) One person elected annually by each AC;

2) 7 at large members nominated by the Jurisdictional Nominating Committee;

3) 2 DCM’s;

4) 4 on the Council by office – one Bishop, the NCJ Treasurer, the NCJ Secretary, a Communications Coordinator appointed by the Executive Committee. Approved.


Motion by Paul, seconded by Gail, that the Communications Coordinator be added to the Executive Committee. Approved.   Motion by Paul, seconded by Gail, that this will be proposed to the Jurisdictional Conference. Approved.


Jurisdictional Conference. Rick reported the following with respect to Jurisdictional Conference in Peoria in July, 2016.

  1. The Civic Center is huge but it’s beautiful – we’ll use only parts of it.
  2. Very nice hotels, both connected to the Civic Center and in the general vicinity.
  3. Illinois night will be at the Riverfront Museum with a cook out.
  4. It will be child friendly and youth friendly with programs and camps.
  5. The per diem has already been raised to $125 by the Mission Council and will be sent out in advance by Rick.
  6. Peoria is centrally located and will save on travel costs.
  7. There will be electronic voting for bishops.
  8. We’re going to love Peoria.
  9. Mission Council member aren’t needed to be there – there will be enough of us there anyway.


Nancy Patton: Rick proposed an honorarium of $100 and a card for Nancy Patton for all of her great work for us. Unanimous approval.


Archives and History: Rick reported that the NCJ Archives and History Commission claims not to be accountable to the NCJ due to the existence of an endowment to support them. Discussion on Disciplinary language. Motion, seconded, to refer this to the Executive Committee in consultation with the College of Bishops. Approved.


Report from Carol Lakota Easton from the Native American International Caucus:

  1. 2012 Act of Repentance
  2. Discussion of “Peg-Leg Flamingos” (new name for “Flying with Eagles”)
  3. Video of the history of Native Boarding Schools
  4. Flying with Eagles events were funded by hos conferences, so haven’t had to use NCJ funds.


Adjourned. Gail Burgess closed in prayer.

Respectfully submitted by John Boley, Secretary.