Members Present: Bishop Trimble, Jodi Cataldo, Paul White, Steve Court, Jim Searls, Lonnie Chafin, Ryan Russell, Gail Burgess

Jodi Cataldo called the meeting to order at 10:01 am CDT.  Bishop Trimble led us in prayer.

Ryan Russell and Steve Court gave a brief recap of what had occurred when the Concept Review Committee met.  They went over each concept, but did not use the scoring system.  In general, there were not any new and innovative ideas.  It was noted that it can take time to put flesh onto ideas and dreams and it can be difficult to get a design team together.  It was agreed that we will accept proposals all year long.  However, September is our HARD deadline for funding applications.

Three groups did not submit a plan: NCJ Congregational Developers Network, NCJ Committee on Native American Ministries and NCJ Young People.  Perhaps NCJ CONAM was included with one of the other Native American applications.  NCJ Young People had to cancel a planned event due to lack of participants, but may reschedule.  Funding from 2017 could be used if they are able to put something together, perhaps including at least two persons from each conference.

Ryan Russell moved that funds from 2017 can be carried over to next year with the applicant providing a project report with a specific plan (eg timeline) and outcomes expected.  Jim Searls seconded and the motion carried, 8/0.

Two other groups were not recommended by the committee and the executive committee agreed that they will not receive an application at this time.  Town and Country Association of the NCJ seems to be limited to just two conferences and does not appear to be outcome focused, but rather is event focused.  This is simply a continuation of past actions.

West Ohio Break Through Prayer Initiative appears to be offering invitations to others to attend, but is not a multiple conference plan. They are limited in their connection to other conferences.  We need to know who is working on this in other conferences and if this plan is moving forward.

Jim Searls volunteered to be in touch with Alex Plum about putting together a training video on writing grant proposals.  We had talked about doing this last fall.  Perhaps having the video available would help applicants better understand what we are looking for.

Eight groups were recommended by the committee to receive applications.

UMVIM-NCJ and UMVIM-NCJ Disaster Response were both approved by the executive committee.  However, Paul White will contact them to see if they would prefer to keep the applications separate, or to combine them.  UMCOR had previously provided a grant for Disaster Response, but the grant has been discontinued.

Both NCJ Center for Hispanic Ministries Inc. and NCJ Hispanic Caucus, Inc. were approved by the executive committee and will receive grant applications.  There has been participation across the jurisdiction.

Native American Course of Study (NACOS) was approved by the Executive Committee.  They offer the five-year course of study, having held two events in 2016 and four in 2017.

NE Region Native American International Caucus NE are sponsoring a Water Summit this fall in Minneapolis.  Publicity has gone out to all conferences.  They were approved by the Executive Committee to receive an application.

Korean Ministries Coordinator was approved for the extension of a grant application.  They are making progress in transitioning toward individual applications.

NCJ Commission on Religion and Race need to focus more on outcomes, but they were approved to receive an application.  We need to know:  What are the outcomes they are after?  How will they get these results?

We reviewed the revised Grant Application for 2018.  We will add the question: What Partnerships and Contacts do you have? (Who are you working with?)  The link will be provided so that all approved applicants receive it.  It is due back before we meet in September.  Arrangements have been made for us to stay in Indianapolis September 25-27.  Information will be going out to all Council members soon.

The Executive Committee will meet at 10 am on Wednesday, September 6 prior to the September College of Bishops meeting.  We will wait to see if a meeting with the College in Bishops in January, 2018 is needed.

As we get closer to the 2020 NCJ meeting we will need to review rules changes as per changes that occurred at the 2016 Jurisdiction meeting.

Steve Court led us in prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am CDT.

Gail Burgess
