NCJ Mission Council Executive Team

January 23, 2018


Present: Jodi Cataldo, Paul White, Jim Searls, Lonnie Chafin, Ryan Russell, Steve Court, Gail Burgess

Jodi called us to order at 9:32 am. and Paul White led us in an opening prayer.  Jodi shared that she will be stepping down as chair; Ryan will assume those duties.  We will need to find someone to fill in as vice-chairperson for 2018-2020.  Ryan will check into this.

There was discussion about a request for funding of a 2018 Young Adult Trip to China.  Paul noted that they did receive $3,000 scholarship funds ($500 for 6 persons each) from NCJ VIM.  Jodi had notified the group that we have a process for applications and had already awarded the grants for 2018.   We are encouraging folks to strategize and plan ahead, rather than simply fund events as they occur. It was noted that the funds they are receiving from NCJ VIM do come from the Mission Council.

The Jurisdictional Disaster Response Liaison position has been eliminated; those duties will now be part of Tammy K’s job.  Mission Council had given a grant toward this salary.  A request was received to reallocate the funds toward disaster relief teams going to Puerto Rico.  Steve Court/Gail Burgess moved to redefine the $10,000 grant to remain Disaster Response, but non-specific to salary. Carried, 7/0.  The funds can be used for Disaster Response trainings and trips.

North East Region Native American International Caucus (Flamingo-PegLeg), centered in Baltimore, has requested additional funding. They received $7,500 in funding in 2017, but spent only $405 and would like to add the left over funds to their 2018 allocation.  Lonnie Chaffin/Ryan Russell moved that we deny the request to carry over the funds; the grant for 2018 will remain $5,000. Motion carried, 7/0.  It is not our policy to use money allocated from one year for another year.  We will also need to clarify who holds the contract for since we don’t want Mission Council to be held responsible.  Lonnie will check on this.

Native American Course of Study would like additional funding to establish a website and other digital means of advertising.  In 2017 they spent $17,288 of the $32,000 in their grant.  They have received a grant of $20,000 for 2018.  This request is for $32,000.  According to their balance sheet they have a balance of $14,000. Steve Court/Jim Searls moved that we revise the scope of the grant request to include web and digital development, but the amount will remain $20,000 in 2018.  Motion carried, 7/0.  (Perhaps funds currently in their balance could be used.  Lonnie will be getting clarity for us.)  We need a connector for this group now that Jodi is leaving Mission Council.  Kristen Krogman was recommended for this position.

Lonnie reported that CORR received a grant of $5,000 in 2017 but had only $1500 in expenses.  They receive dues from each Conference; $1800 of that will be carried over.  Perhaps they are thinking they also have grant funding carryover and need to understand we don’t carry over grant monies.  Ryan will make certain that they understand we are not carrying over the funds.

Ryan noted that $8,000 has been allotted for the Young People’s group attending the Global Youth Convocation in Africa.  They have added delegates to the Convo (There will be 15 instead of 12; those additional three are alternates.) and would like an additional $6,000 to help with the additional expenses.  Paul White/Gail Burgess moved to increase the original grant by $2,000, bringing the total to $10,000. 6/0

Lonnie provided an Income Statement through December 31, 2017.  We received 100% from each of the Conferences.  Income from Apportionments and Korean Ministries Designated Gifts was $236,575; expenses were $169,974.26.  We have a net income of $67,277.24; this includes interest and miscellaneous income. Much of that is earmarked for the General Conference in Minneapolis and the Jurisdictional Conference in Fort Wayne in 2020.

When we meet with the College of Bishops, we will be discussing the co-sponsorship of an NCJ Delegation meeting at the time of the Bishop’s meeting in September 2018.  The emphasis would be on the upcoming Special Session of the General Conference.  Lonnie will present this.

We are also requesting a Leadership Event in the fall of 2019 (DCM’s, full Mission Council, Conference Lay Leaders) at the same time as the College of Bishop’s meeting.  Steve Court will present this.                                                                        (Break for Lunch)

Follow Up from Meeting with College of Bishops:

Pre-General Conference Special Meeting, September 2018.  The College of Bishops agreed to co-sponsor the Pre-General Conference Special Meeting in Chicago.  The agenda for this event would be collaborative joint planning for the special session. The schedule for Mission Council will be:

September 20 – Mission Council Executive Team, meal in evening

September 21 – Mission Council Executive Team meet in morning

(Mission Council members not on executive team could help with registrations.)

September 21-22 – (Noon to Noon) General Conference Delegates and Bishops

September 22- 1-5 pm – Full Mission Council

A committee of Lonnie Chaffin, Convenor; Ryan Russell, Paul White, Bishop Bard, Bishop Dyck, Bishop Malone and Bishop Palmer will meet via phone conference to work on details.  They can determine if transportation or hotel and meals would be paid; perhaps a per diem would be set or there could be a cap ($400?) on the amount paid.  The committee will need to see if Conferences are willing to help with cost. The committee will determine the site (possibly one downtown) and the hotels we can use. There would be approximately 120 persons involved (Bishops, Mission Council, General Conference delegates and first alternate). The Committee would need to make reservations for Bishops and Mission Council.  Possible dates to meet are Feb 15, 16, 21 (afternoon), 22 or 23. Lonnie will poll the rest of the committee.  Paul White will send out a SAVE THE DATE to all delegates and first reserves and this information will be posted on the NCJ website.

Jurisdiction Celebration and Visioning: September 2019: The dates of Saturday-Sunday, September 14-15 were set for an NCJ strategic planning/visioning session that would include College of Bishops, full Mission Council, Directors of Connectional Ministries and Conference Lay Leaders (approximately 100 persons) in East Ohio (Cleveland area).  Perhaps we could also invite youth and young people going to Convo in 2018.  Bishop Malone has some ideas regarding possible location.  We will need to determine who the convenor would be: someone who can address our current reality. The Planning Team for this event will be the Mission Council Executive Team and other members of Mission Council.  Paul White can send a Save the Date to Lay Leaders and DSM’s, and the date can be posted on our website.  Mission Council would meet after the event.  The schedule, briefly, would look like this:

Saturday-Sunday, September 14-15, (Afternoon to Mid-afternoon):

Full Group Leadership Event (Bishops, DSM’s, Lay Leaders, Mission Council)

Sunday, September 15 (Afternoon): Mission Council Executive Team

Sunday, September 15 (Evening) – Monday, September 16 (Morning)

Mission Council Meeting

Ryan also noted that he had tentatively set January 23, 2019 for a meeting with the Bishops in Chicago.  This will be a busy time since it is just before the Special Session of the General Conference; we will determine closer to the dates if it is needed.

Meeting was adjourned and followed by supper at 6:30.

Gail Burgess
